Monday, March 5, 2012

Fingers Crossed

One of the requirements I need before I have surgery is to have my primary doctor sign a 'letter of recommendation'. This should actually be one of the first steps in the weight loss surgery process. However, since my primary doctor went on maternity leave the day after I dropped the paperwork off, I haven't been able to complete this portion. I am happy to say that after a couple months, my doctor is finally back to work today. I have an appointment today to discuss surgery and a couple of other things, and I am wishing, hoping and praying that she signs this dang paper. I do not want surgery to be delayed at all, and we are cutting it kind of close with my surgery date being just a couple days away. I have spoken with the nurses in the office over the last couple months and I guess the letter is all prepared. Literally all the doctor has to do is sign it. If you have some positive thoughts you can spare, send them my way today. I'm really nervous that the doctor won't sign the thing and I'll have to start this entire process over. If she won't sign it, I don't know what I'll do, but I'm pretty sure it will involve lots of crying in the middle of the office.

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